Connoisseurs always appreciate a good cigar on special occasions. For successful smoking pleasure, the correct cutting of the cigar head is a basic requirement and a ceremonial act at the same time. The classic cigar cutter, however, is only wearily smiled at by the Boker Plus Cigar Cutter. This is because the extremely compact pocket-knife with a blade made of 440C is equipped with a striking opening in the titanium handle, which makes it possible to cut cigars when the knife is closed.
By pressing the push-button on the front, the blade pops out of the handle at 45°, exposing the opening for inserting a cigar. If, on the other hand, the push-button on the back is pressed at the same time, the blade opens completely, as with a small automatic knife. The short blade with a single-edge grind is suitable for small everyday tasks.
The smoky stonewash finish completes the straightforward design of the Boker Plus Cigar Cutter.
• Overall Length: 9,9 cm
• Blade Length: 3,4 cm
• Blade Thickness: 2,7 mm
• Weight: 70 g
• Steel: 9Cr13CoMoV
• Handle Material: Titanium